


Orthodontics is the discipline that deals with the correction of dental and maxillary disorders. Although notable changes occur in soft tissues, profile, and in the smile of the individual as a result of orthodontic treatment, the individual also gains the function of proper chewing. Orthodontic treatment can be performed by orthodontists who have had a doctoral degree or specialty in this field after graduating from faculty of dentistry.

Although orthodontic treatments can also be initiated at a later age, it is appropriate to carry out the initial orthodontic treatment after the child's lower and upper incisors change. Through an examination at an earlier stage, it is possible to take measures to facilitate the solution of the problems that may arise later. In this period, jaw dysfunctions or bad habits are also eliminated. While it is possible to eliminate jaw disorders only during the growth and development period, dental disorders can be eliminated at any age.

• When the teeth fail to be positioned properly in our mouth, gingival disorders and cavities tend to occur more easily as it would be challenging to clean them.

• If dentures are not used for a long period of time in the place of the teeth lost at an early stage, adjacent teeth start bending towards the cavity, while the opposite teeth start becoming elongated. In such cases, it is not possible to make any dentures. Orthodontic treatments carried out before a prosthetic treatment allow the dentures to be made healthier.

• In individuals with impaired dental and jaw structure, some uncontrollable forces are placed on jaw joints in the long term, which can lead to joint disorders.

• The last permanent teeth to grow may remain impacted in individuals with maxillary stenosis or prematurely lost milk teeth. These teeth are usually upper canines or lower second minor molars. The eruption of these teeth is also of interest to orthodontics. Impacted teeth can dissolve the roots of adjacent teeth or cause cyst formation.

• Today, other than wisdom teeth, the absence of some teeth, mostly lateral incisors, is observed. As a consequence of the planning, the location of the missing tooth is closed up with an orthodontic treatment, or a suitable place is prepared for implantation or prosthetic application to that area.

• Upper incisors can be easily traumatized, especially in cases where the upper jaw is positioned in front of the lower jaw. As a result, teeth can be lost. With orthodontic treatments, it is possible to prevent such problems that might occur in such disorders.

• It is evident that a smooth alignment of teeth and a beautiful smile, which are obtained as a result of the orthodontic treatment, help individuals to become more self-confident in the society.

Types of Orthodontic Treatment

Fixed Treatment: Fixed orthodontic treatment is performed through the fixation of the brackets onto the teeth by an orthodontist, which are divided into two as metal and porcelain. Tooth alignments are performed with this method, which is publicly known as dental brace. There are no age restrictions for tooth alignments and can be performed at any age.

Orthodontic Treatment with Removable Aligners: They are used for correction of simple unevenness, prevention of space, preventive treatment at early ages, and reinforcement following the fixed treatment.

Functional Orthodontic Treatment: It is performed with removable devices applied from outside the mouth, or with aligners that hold both jaws together and direct them.

Orthognathic Surgery: Orthodontics alone is not enough for individuals with impaired jaw relations whose growth and development are completed. In such cases, surgical support is also required. The type of treatment, in which orthodontic treatment is performed together with surgery, is called orthognathic surgery.

Orthodontic treatment with clear aligners: Orthodontic treatment carried out with clear aligners is a process in which unevenness on teeth or improper closures to certain extents are straightened through the use of customized, almost invisible aligners without using conventional brackets or braces. Removable serial aligners are used in this system. The aligners are changed every two weeks on average. Each aligner is produced specifically for the patient. In this system, small protrusions called "buttons" are applied onto some teeth, and if deemed necessary, minor abrasions are performed in between the teeth in a way they do not cause any harm. In order for the treatment to be successful, the aligners should be used constantly, except for mealtimes, and they should only be removed in exceptional cases. They are preferred mostly by adult patients thanks to the visual comfort they offer in daily life.